Mon 27 Jan
🔷 🔷only wondering ✴if she can make ✴💦🌊Shake like mine☑💸👅tasty - 25
(outcal /Incal ,downtown,, St. Louis)
Exotic show 😁best companionship!💚All this azz right were u want it!!!!!! - 25
(outcal /Incal ,downtown,, St. Louis)
🔷big 🔷bootys 🔷only wondering ✴✴✴how💧💧💧💧💧💦🌊can u get ME☑💸👅tasty everywhere - 25
(outcal /Incal ,downtown,, St. Louis)
ALll you need./!^^100% A♡♡☆☆ MUST SEE ☆☆♡♡♡ ALL Time FAvorITe - 25
(St. Louis, Downtown/ outcal/incal 2gurl)
Fri 10 Jan
˜…Uppscale â™CLEAN VIP Ebony ¡â™¥ lovable sexy and EROTiC enjoyment !!!% - 24
(St. Louis, downtown incal /outcal)
˜…Uppscale â™CLEAN VVIP Companion ¡â™¥ lovable sexy and EROTiC enjoyment !!!%late 80spl - 24
(St. Louis, incal /outcal downtown)
Thu 09 Jan
🔷✴💦latenight nows the time 🌊Fat AZZ, pretty tits and curvs💚treating yourself💸👅to me - 29
(outcal /Incal ,downtown, Illinois, St. Louis)
☆★A BEAUTY upscale ♡♥ lovable sexy and lots** your EROTiC enjoyment - 24
(St. Louis, outcal$incal downtown an airport)
Tue 07 Jan
!^^100spl Allnight party girl ♡♡☆☆ MUST SEE ☆☆♡♡♡ ALL Time FAvorITe - 25
(St. Louis, Downtown/ outcal/incal 2gurl)
🔷✴💦latenight nows the time 🌊Fat AZZ, pretty tits and curvs💚treating yourself💸👅to me - 29
(outcal /Incal ,downtown, Illinois, St. Louis)
Sun 05 Jan