Mon 27 Jan
💕💕👀LOOK HERE!!!!👀💕💕 Big Booty💛 BLoNdE PLaYMaTe :-•*💛LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆•BETTER * •- ¦- - 24
(St. Louis, Your place or mines)
..:: / ** I ** am ** a ** rare ** Exxotic ** beauty ** Catch ** me ** while ** U ** can !! ** \ ::.. - 21
(St. Louis, airport/surr areas)
Red'Diamond & Foxy $80 SPECIAL 2 INCALLS&Out; / CITY & County Off I 44&40&70 HIGHWAY!!! $150 Hr - 21
o° WOW =Cuddle Up With ME o° PeTiTe BlOnDe SpInNeR o° InCaLLs @ OuTcAllS ALL DaY - 21
(FeNtOn Incalls & Outcalls ALL over)
♡♡♡ ,,, hey its tiny I'm available now call incalls ,,outcall,,specials all day - 25
(St. Louis, Downtown stl incalls/out call all over)
All day⛅ special 🎉🎉for HH-100 INCALLS only🎀just for my king👑..You🚹know 💭what you see n want.😀 - 22
(St. Louis, 💥AIRPORT AREA NEAR 270-70-170-64💥)
(( $75 Kisses))_| * |__ { S w e e t} *Tight & Wet _ ~ 1oO% R e a L~ _ (( SPECIALs )) - 18
(Near airport incall)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
{ SwEeT BlOnDe TreAt } InCaLL & OuTcaLL [ALL ways ReAdY] UNRUSHED Sessions (PeRfEcT ChOiCe) G.F.E. - 21
(InCaLLs FeNtOn ... OuTcAlls ALL DaY)
💋💋Sexy Blue Eyed Brunette💋💋✨ GREAT REVIEWES ON RTP✨ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
(( $75 Kisses))_| * |__ { S w e e t} *Tight & Wet _ ~ 1oO% R e a L~ _ (( SPECIALs )) - 18
(near airport incall)
💋💋 ONE Of A Kind BEAUTY 💋💋 SEXY Smooth Carmel Skin 💋💋Amazing Body, GORGEOUS Face💋💋100% REAL - 24
(Kansas City, Northeast)
LyNzY --&-- ChAsItY ------- vIsItInG OnE jUsT mIgHt NoT bE eNoUgH --- - 23
(InCaLl/AiRpOrT aReA// oUtCaLl-AvAiL.)
Ebony Hottie^^ VIP Playmate** 60b&g.; Specials - 21
(St. Louis, Incall South City /outcalls downtown)
Fri 10 Jan
**LAST CHANCE TO GET IN ASPEN**((LEAVIN TOWN special special special))cum see me! - 20
(North County)
💋💋Sexy Blue Eyed Brunette💋Natalya💋✨ Perfect REVIEWES ON RTP✨Crowd pleaser for sure🍭💋 - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
> L {☆} {☆} K! > (( i GET iT JUiCY 4 YA )) *SuPeR SqU!rTeR* (HAWT BLONDE) - 22
♥ * C H R i S Ti n A's* LATE-NIGHT SPECIAL ♥,CoME GeT TrEaTeD, SPoiLeD, & PaMpErEd - 19
Thu 09 Jan
Caucasian Escort. . . . PETITE. . . . Busty > > > > HONEST . . . . 1OO INCALLS ALL DAY!!!! - 23
(St. Louis, SAINT LOUIS)
* *Sexxxxi Young Wet Tight * Caucasion Godesss* Come spend the day IN Aspen ((8163370900)) - 20
(North County)
☆ LOOK ★° LoNg LeGs - LoNg HaiR - sMaLl WaiST - pReTTy FaCe °★ LOOK ☆ - 23
(St. Louis, 3OO-OUR/ 2OO-1/2OUR 4OO-2OURS/ 5OO-3OURS)
Exclusive V I P ♝♞♟ P E N T H O U S E ♔♕♖ P A R T Y G I R L♗♘♙ ♚♛♜♝♞♟No. ❶ VIP Provider ♔♙☎ - 23
(St. Louis, outcalls incalls near airport)
♥ DaNGERoUSLY ★°•. Addictive .•°★ StUnNiNg CLASSY Beauty ♥ ((New In Town!! )) - 23
(St. Louis, outcalls incalls near airport)
Wed 08 Jan
.:. SoUtHerN CuTIe With a BIG BOOTY .:. Just arrived from the South & I'm ready 125$ - 20
(South County/Lindbergh & 44)
💋💋Natalya 🌹 And Friend Stephanie 💋💋Stephanie is New New ✨Reviews on RTP✨Single and 2girl sessio - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
Mz. Fuge once again so lets get it 80$ weekend special incalls all day and all night - 21
(St. Louis, Northcounty)
waNNa DO soft? waNNA do HARD? or just get NASTY with a sEXy #10 BLONDE!$! - 26
(SouthCity/In or out calls)
**Sweet as heaven,but sexii as hell 2!**Come see me and I'll show you better than I can tell u!** - 26
(St. Louis, St Charles)
****Sugar and Spice and EVERYTHING nice**if you see me once-you'll come back TWICE!! NEW PICS!!*** - 26
(St Charles)
safe incall/great outcall specials You will leave with a smile - 31
(St. Louis, out open/incalls st. charles mo)
✨TraceeLynn Reviewed ✨ INCALL 💖WHITE GRL💖100$ Special !! 💖💖NEW pics!!💋Si hablo espanol!! - 21
(Kansas City, skc)
sexy sweet ready to meet MAKE An appointment wont be around for long - 31
(Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Kansas city airport)
Busty Latina Is For All My Kings** La La**( incalls only) SPECIALS all day!!!! $100 - 29
(St. Louis, caseyville il /stlouis)
Tue 07 Jan
. ▅ ▆ ▇ █Tuesdays BEST-SoMething Special ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ Us-85$-NoW▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Before Work ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ 100% REAl - 22
(St. Louis, incall-Downtown (hotel)👉914-719-7394)
Can You Handle Our Hot, Slick, Hands ALL Over You? INTENSE EROTIC MASSAGE By Elite Gorgeous Girls!!
$*$waNNa B spOIleD N pAMpeReD BY a hOT sEXy bLOnDe??$*$ NEW NUMBER!! - 26
(SouthCity/In or out calls)
*WOW!!* ($P3C!@L$ @LL W33K3ND) !! E*x*o*T*i*C!!* C*U*R*V*Y !! * SiCiLiaN!!* B*e*A*u*T*y *(ViSitING)* - 23
sexy and sweet ready to meet in wentzville/out calls all night long - 31
(St. Louis, out open /in calls wentzville)
💯 % GUARANTEED better than ⇑HER ⇑ HER⇓ & all of them ⇓↳😍 BloNdE ⬇ BoMbSheLL !! - 25
(St. Louis, Upscale airport In/Out)
Mon 06 Jan
💋💋Natalya💋💋Ask about 2 girl rates✨Reviews On RTP✨ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
Morning Woodie's Come Get These Goodie's Here To Please U Exactly How You Want - 20
(Granite City MO, St. Louis)
🍓BEST Kept SECRET💕💋Sexy Petite HOTTIE🎉 💎Rare Beauty👙👄Mouth WATERING BODY💋 I Won't Waist Your Time🚫 - 26
(St. Louis, Upscale Downtown 🏪)
`2Nite, I'll Be Your NAUGHTY GIRL**50 DIAMOND Special**REAL Hott Ebony Treat Waiting 4 U... - 22
(North County/Airport Area)
Sun 05 Jan