Sat 11 Jan
Sexiest most Seductive..Very Exotic Woman..and Play Gents see Why we are the most Famous... - 23
(st.louis and surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
The Most Popular Ladies in Town..Fellas come SEE what the real Fuss is About. - 23
(stl/airport/all metro areas..)
Real Panamanian Petite Models & Bodyrub Artists Visiting St. Louis-- Bakari & Lavish - 23
(Outcalls Only, St. Louis)
*~ LeT Me RuB YouR STreSS AwAy WitH My SoFt, SeXii, SeNsuaL ToUcH ~* - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
Mon 06 Jan
Gentz..Tired of getting Ripped off or not Satisfied come meet the Sexiest Ladies in Town... - 23
(st.louis and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan