Sun 12 Jan
*Isabella Sky* RUBING out the UNIVERSE ~~~~~INN 80,100 *** OUT 100,150 CALL 24/7 NEW# - 30
(Kansas City, KCK & KCMO *** SOUTH WALDO AREA)
Sat 11 Jan
Like a HIGH PERFORMANCE AUTO? MARRIED, CAUCASIAN only, please!! New To Kansas City? NO TEXTS. - 51
(Columbia/Jeff City, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, St Joseph, St. Louis, KC NORTH)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
🔥👑🔥TH£ P£RF£CT TR£AT🍰🍦🍪Y0UR B£ST K£PT S£CR£T 🙊S£xxY Blonde G0ddeSs👯CaLL Mee📲💋 - 26
(913 605 2094 South Kansas City, Kansas City)
Ms Stress Reliever Is at your rescue 🙌" Don't hesitate to visit one of the best 💋 - 31
(Kansas City, South k.c.)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy $ fetish/girlfriend friendly $seductive hips $ sensual lips$ Magical fingertips... - 31
(Kansas City, 350&63rd kc, MO /435 south and kc metro)
█ ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤█ ------ N*e w Asian Beauty BEST service—New feeling 816-503-6083 -------█ ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤ █ - 26
(Kansas City, 715 Westport Rd.,Kansas City)
Tue 07 Jan